Youth integration into the labour market is the reason why the Youth Employment Fund (hereinafter “YEF”) has been set up. YEF supports job creation for young people by promoting wage employment, entrepreneurship, professional reorientation and retraining for disadvantaged young people aged 30 and below across Benin, mainly in the communes of Abomey-Calavi, Dassa-Zoume, Parakou, Kandi and Natitingou.
Through YEF, the Tabe Jeanne Foundation competes and calls for donations, grants and investments. It is the operational tool for implementing innovative youth employment services.
YEF helps in achieving the M-VIVA program and targets jobs in crafts, agriculture and livestock, arts, green & circular economy, digital economy, tourism, and trade to lift youth out of poverty.
Partners of the Fund
Coming soon!
Are you a philanthropist? An investor? A grant-making body? A business? A development aid agency or donor?
Your heart beats for youth and you’re really looking for a reliable and dynamic charity to help you reach your donation or investment goals. You love helping young people around the globe to thrive. Please join the Fund to be part of all those who create hope and future (employment) for young people in need. Thank you and be blessed!
You can contact us using this email address:
Projects of the Fund
Please have a look at our portfolios and annual reports to get more information. Thank you!