GIRLS’ AND WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT FUND The Girls’ and Women’s Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as “GWDF”)
English French


The Girls’ and Women’s Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as “GWDF”) supports education, economic empowerment, leadership, healthcare, the promotion and protection of rights, peace and security for women facing disadvantages, daily violence, discrimination, exclusion, constraints or multi-faceted barriers in the economy, society, science, and local governance. It targets girls and women from ethnic and cultural backgrounds, including Idaasha, Ifê, Isha and Shabè in central Benin.

Given all the positive impacts made by Tabe Jeanne who devoted everything to her community and beyond (time, experience, attention, know-how, money, and other personal sacrifices), the foundation bearing her name recognizes the vital contributions of girls and women to family and community wellbeing, and gives back to them through GWDF.

As a special operational tool, GWDF helps our non-profit in getting donations, investments and grants for implementing innovative, groundbreaking, life-saving and future-promising projects for girls and women in central Benin.


Partners of the Fund

Coming soon!

Are you a philanthropist? An investor? A grant-making body? A business? A development aid agency or donor? 

Your heart beats for girls and women and you’re really looking for a reliable and dynamic charity to help you reach your donation or investment goals. You love helping girls and women around the globe to thrive. Please join the Fund to be part of all those who make change, justice and shared prosperity happen for girls and women.

You can contact us using this email address:  


Projects of the Fund

Projects under this Fund are in the planning phase. Thank you!